Share Your Professional Portfolio

Dazzle employers and recruiters

🎖 100,000+ happy users

Remove barriers to getting employed

A professional portfolio can make all the difference and help you stand out from the crowd in an increasingly competitive job market. Easily store, update and share your professional portfolio with potential employers using Tiiny Host, all from a single dashboard.

Share your professional portfolio In 3 easy steps

1. Zip your PDF files

Select the PDFs you want to share, right click and hit “Zip”

2. Drag and drop your zip file

Drag and drop your zipped PDFs to Tiiny Host.

3. Name your portfolio and click launch

Name your professional portfolio URL and click “launch”


What else is there?

👨‍🔧 Reliable

Built upon Amazon Web Services, Tiiny Host provides a very reliable service to share your Professional Portfolio.

📂 Permanent Hosting (Pro Plan)

With our Pro Plan, you can share your site for as long as you want. If you don't require permanent hosting, we can share for free for up to 7 days!

🧘‍♂️ Simple Drag And Drop Control Panel

Simply drag and drop PDF files to upload your portfolio online for free. In less than 30 seconds, you can publish your Portfolio as a site. No knowledge of Git or CMD line required.

⚡️ Fast Worldwide

Websites are hosted by AWS, resulting in fast website speeds for all over the world.

🔐 Performance And Security

For speed, performance, and security, all websites hosted with custom domains include free SSL and are instantly uploaded to a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

⛔️ Password (Pro Plan)

In case you don’t want your portfolio to be public, with a simple toggle, you can password protect who can view the file. Only gather feedback from those you have chosen.

Easier to share than
Popular hosting providers



Professional Portfolios you can host and share with Tiiny Host

Professional Qualifications

Medical, legal and cybersecurity are just a handful of the industries where you have to consistently upskill. So keeping track of all of you certificates and sharing them can be a pain. Upload your professional qualification PDFs to a password protected URL on Tiiny Host and your current and future employers can gain instant access from anywhere in the world. No more worrying about version control.

Online CV / Resume

CV and Resume version control can be a nightmare. The likelihood is that you’re applying for multiple jobs and keeping track of everything using Google Docs and labelling them “CV_Ver1”, “CV_Ver2”, etc. Upload each industry CV to it’s own password protected URL and simply share it with prospective employers. Even track when they’ve opened it and how long they spent inspecting your qualifications using our inbuilt analytics! Never worry that you’ve emailed the wrong CV ever again.

Showcase Previous Projects

If you’re a project manager or developer then you want to share previous project milestones with potential new employers and showcase your skills. Upload both PDF and HTML to Tiiny Host to generate a bespoke, password protected URL that makes you stand out from the crowd.


Useful resources for sharing your professional portfolio

How To Share A PDF As A Link

Why would you want to create link to a pdf? Great question! It’s very common to share a PDF via email. However, that requires the recipient to download and save the PDF to view it. It’s also difficult to share a PDF to a large audience (100+) through email...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a professional portfolio example?

A professional portfolio demonstrates your expertise and dedication through real-world samples and examples of your work. These examples could be drawn from your studies, prior work experience, or even your hobbies.

How do you start a professional portfolio?

You should start by collecting all of the materials you intend to use in your portfolio. Use the most recent and relevant information.

Is CV a professional portfolio?

There are some key distinctions between a portfolio and a CV. While both are used to showcase a skill set for a prospective role, the CV provides a relevant overview of qualifications and experience, whereas the portfolio provides evidence.

How long is a professional portfolio?

Keep digital portfolios under 1MB if sending via email; large files are frequently deleted or not received. Send your portfolio in an easily accessible file format, such as PDF, to ensure that it can be viewed easily and correctly.

Share my professional portfolio now