Upload Scribus PDF

Share your designs and PDF presentations

🎖 100,000+ happy users

Host your Scribus PDF for free!

Tiiny Host is a simple and efficient way to publish your Scribus PDF. Easily and instantly share your Scribus graphic design or interactive presentation with your audience, all for free!

Share your Scribus design Upload your Scribus PDF in 3 easy steps

1. Drag and drop your PDF

Drag and drop the Scribus PDF that you want to publish.

2. Enter a link name

Name the link you want to share your Scribus PDF under.

3. Click launch

Click “launch” and that’s it! Your Scribus design is now hosted online to share to the world!


What else is there?

⚡ Fast Worldwide

We run on Amazon Web Services allowing your visitors to access your Scribus PDF export very quickly wherever they are in the world.

📂 Drag And Drop Upload

No need for any hosting knowledge, simply drag & drop your Scribus PDF file.

🤑 Low cost

Tiiny Host is a static hosting tool which means its very cheap to host your Scribus PDF regardless of how large it is or number of viewers.

🔒 Password Protect PDFs

Secure your Scribus PDFs by easily adding a password to restrict viewers.

🆓 Free Web Address

There's no need to own your web address. You can share your PDF on our tiiny.site address (e.g. mypdf.tiiny.site).

👨‍🔧️ Reliable

Built upon Amazon Web Services, Tiiny Host provides a very reliable service to share your PDF.

Easier to host than
Popular PDF hosting providers







Use cases

Examples of Scribus PDF documents you can host

Client Work

Quickly and securely share your designs with your clients to generate feedback and approvals. All on a file type they can open on any device.

Digital Magazines and Catalogues

Show off your incredible Scribus editorial designs by uploading them to Tiiny Host to share with your audience and clients.

Beautiful Scribus Design Portfolios

Show off your work to win clients and wow your audience, whether you're a design professional or student.


Useful posts for Scribus PDF publishing

How To Share A PDF As A Link

It’s simple to share a PDF as a link using tiiny.host. You can create a link to a PDF in three simple steps...

PDF Upload

Sharing your PDF online can be complicated. With Tiiny Host, simply drag & drop your PDF document and we'll generate a unique link for you to…

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Scribus?

Scribus is a free, open source desktop publisher.

What is Scribus used for?

You can use it for layout, typesetting and design file preparation. It can also be used to create interactive PDF presentations and forms.

Does Scribus export to PDF?

Yes it most certainly does! Just go to File --> Export --> Save as PDF.

Free Scribus PDF Hosting