Digitise your house manual in seconds

Give your guests the smoothest check-in experience by sharing your property manual as a link.

Used by 5k+ happy customers

Smooth Check-ins

Enable your guests to access your check-in details with a scan or click, explore with pre-sent links, and easily save everything for offline convenience.

QR code + URL
Access anywhere
Easy to find
Pre-send handbook URL
Add links to other sites
Save it offline

Update in seconds

Effortlessly update everything from WiFi passwords to access codes and recommendations for multiple properties, all from anywhere.

Update from anywhere
Update wifi password
Update for multiple properties at once
Update access code without re-printing
Update recommendations

Green & Paperless

Keep your handbook always accessible without the worry of wear & tear, and enhance it with digital links for an interactive experience.

Never lose your book
Escape wear and tear
Add digital links

What else is there?

Additional Features


Connect your own website domain to offer a completely branded experience.


Track engagement, analyse patterns and optimize your property manual.

Password Protection

Keep it secure so only authorized guests can access it.

Drag & Drop Upload

Simply drag & drop a PDF version of your manual to generate a link + QR code.

Low cost

An affordable subscription means you can upload manuals for all your properties.


Built upon Amazon Web Services, Tiiny Host provides a very reliable service to share your guest manual.

See for yourself

Property manual examples

Used by 5k+ happy customers
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Rave Reviews
We're loved by thousands because we're simple.
- Developer, web25.io
Shocked by the simplicity of user-flow, it took me 2 mins exactly to deploy one of client's websites!
- Customer support, In5
If you want the simplest, easiest way then use Tiiny Host.
- Designer
Everything else I looked at basically required developer resources or was too basic/complicated.
- swpstks.com
Customer support was very knowledgeable and explained everything clearly.
- Designer
I can’t believe that trillion dollar companies can’t produce software half as good as yours.
- Architect
Tiiny worked perfectly for me. I used to host my architectural design portfolio and provided my url on my resume.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a house manual?

House manuals are essential for guests, featuring a host introduction, key arrival and departure details, an overview of amenities, appliance usage instructions, and vital contact info. They offer invaluable insights into your home and destination, directly from the host's perspective and essential for a smooth check-in experience!

How can I create a house manual?

You can create a house manual by using Microsoft Word, Google Docs or even Canva to type out important check-in information. After creating it, save it as PDF to share.

How do I generate a QR code for my property manual?

Upload a PDF version of your guest handbook on Tiiny Host and we'll automatially generate a QR Code for you to print and stick in your property or send in an email.

How can I create a link for my house manual?

Once you've created your house manual, export it as a PDF file. They head over to tiiny.host and drag & drop the PDF file. Set a link-name (optional) for it then click Publish! It's that simple.

How can I update my house manual?

That's very simple, once you've alrady uploaded your manual, just click update and drag & drop or select the new PDF version of the house manual and click Publish to update the link. The link and QR code will stay the same.

Can I upload manuals for all my properties?

Yes you definitely can. You can have multiple projects and manage the manuals for all your properties from one simple dashboard.

Create your own guest handbook