SEO for static websites: What to Do and What’s In It For You

Discover essential SEO strategies for static websites. Learn how to boost visibility and drive more traffic to your site with practical and necessary tips.
SEO for static websites: What to Do and What’s In It For You

Do you want more organic traffic driven to your website?

SEO is the way.

You need SEO, but how do you go about it?

If SEO sounds complicated, know right now that it is. But this article will help.

Let’s discuss what to do about SEO for static websites.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the attempt to get noticed by search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) and have your website listed as close to the top of the first page as possible.

Why Do SEO?

Few people spend time looking at page after page of website listings to find what they want. They tend to click on the first result they see. So, you want to be listed first, if possible. But anywhere in the top 10 spots is good.

Getting listed on the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP) takes time and effort. But it pays off in the long run.

Static vs. Dynamic Website SEO

Many SEO techniques and strategies are consistent between static and dynamic sites.

In brief, a static site has its pages pre-prepared for visitors to read. Dynamic sites prepare (render) their pages one at a time as the visitor reaches the website. This technical difference creates the need to treat the SEO for these two types of websites differently.

I’ll focus on static websites for this article, pointing out need-to-know differences as we go.

Related: Static vs. Dynamic Websites

What Does SEO Get You?

Primarily, SEO gets you visibility and recognition on the World Wide Web. With this recognition comes benefits, like increased traffic to your website. This kind of traffic is called organic traffic because it comes directly from search engines without having to pay for advertising.

Since you don’t pay for advertising, SEO saves you money. And since organic traffic grows the number of visitors reaching your site over time, it grows your conversions, whatever they may be. For many, that means sales and revenues.

SEO Necessities

We’re going to look at several SEO tips, techniques, and technologies. By the end, you’ll be up to speed on what SEO for static websites is all about.

Keyword Research

SEO begins with keyword research. Keywords tell search engines what your webpage is about so potential visitors can find it. Each web page has only one target keyword. But you may rank for others if you play your cards right.

For instance, if you focus your page’s content around imported coffee, then you want a keyword that says this. “Best imported coffee” could be a target keyword (also known as a key phrase). If someone searches for “best imported coffee,” your page will show up in the SERPs.

However, there are likely a lot of people competing for the same keyword you’re using. Unless you optimize your page content, website, and more, you won’t appear on the first page.

So how do you cope?

This is where your time and effort come into play. Think of it as an investment in the future. It pays off.

On-Page SEO and Quality Content

Always remember that the point of your webpage is to be seen. It can’t be seen if nobody can find it. So, you begin by optimizing your page’s content to be SEO-friendly.

SEO-friendly means that how you write your content and how you use headings, subheadings, titles, and meta tags all matter to the search engines.

Electronic robots called “spiders” visit your site, read your content, and put it into the search engine’s index. How you use your titles, headings, and so on helps the search engine understand your content and figure out how to index it.

The better job you do of writing well-formatted, useful content, the higher you rank in the SERPs.

Google, in particular, stresses that good content is the most important item in its indexing process. You can’t go wrong in making your content well-written and valuable.

Technical SEO

Behind the scenes of your content is the technical underpinning working to ensure everything is set up for the spiders to find, crawl, and index your pages. Technical SEO is this underpinning.

Technical SEO affects your entire website. It makes sure the pages are accessed logically, are correctly organized, and no page is unreachable.

Address these issues:

  • Site speed.
  • Mobile-friendliness.
  • Indexing and crawlability.
  • Site structure and navigation.
  • URL structure.
  • Security.
  • Duplicate content.
  • Structured data.
  • Error pages and redirects.

In a nutshell, technical SEO is about making your website technically sound and easy for search engines to understand and recommend.

Off-page SEO strategies

Off-page SEO is all about what you do outside of your website. It improves your site’s ranking in search engine results. It also adds authority to your content.

Think of it as building your site’s reputation and popularity in the online neighborhood. Your website’s reputation is a big deal in SEO. How other websites view yours is factored into your overall score. This all happens off-page.

Off-page issues include:

  • Backlinks.
  • Social media marketing.
  • Guest blogging and influencer outreach
  • Local SEO for physical locations
  • Online reputation management.
  • Local SEO Strategies.
  • SEO optimization and updates.
  • SEO data analysis
  • Forums and community participation
  • Content marketing

Your website’s authority is important. Its popularity factors in as well. This authority and popularity equate to real-world word-of-mouth marketing. How you interact with the online community is crucial. You need the community to respect and recommend you to drive traffic.

Specific Static Site SEO Needs

Just listing the fundamental SEO requirements seems overwhelming. Now, we look at what static websites uniquely require due to their static nature.

Content Updates

Static sites don’t update content frequently. Static site SEO must focus on optimizing existing content rather than relying on fresh content for ranking.

Speed and Performance

Static sites generally load their pages faster than dynamic sites due to their simplicity. Page speed is a significant ranking factor. This is a major SEO advantage.

Limited Interactivity

Static sites can have limited interactivity and dynamic content. In such cases, SEO efforts should be more focused on on-page elements like keywords, meta tags, and content quality.

Related: How to Make Your Static Site More Interactive

Simplicity in Crawling and Indexing

Since static sites have a simple structure, they are easier for search engines to crawl and index, which is an advantage for SEO.

URL Structure

Static sites often have simpler, more straightforward URL structures, which is beneficial for SEO. Often, the keyword is the URL slug, like best-imported-coffee.html.

Technical SEO

Static sites must focus on technical aspects like site architecture, HTML/CSS/JavaScript optimization, and performance. This keeps your website in good shape and makes the search engines happy. Happy search engines rank you higher in the SERPs.

Hosting and Security

As an additional benefit, static sites are easier and less expensive to host. They are intrinsically more secure than dynamic sites, reducing risks that might impact SEO, such as site downtime, hacking, or malware injection.

Our hosting platform,, is dedicated to automating the hosting process for static websites.

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  1. Give your website a name.
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Next steps

There is so much to SEO, especially in the static website niche, that you probably have questions that weren’t answered in this article.

Our wonderful customer service staff is ready to answer these questions for you.

Visit Our customer service is free of charge, even if you don’t have an account with us. We’re here to help you succeed.

FAQ: SEO for Static Websites

What is SEO for static websites?

SEO for static websites involves optimizing a website with fixed content so that it ranks higher in search engine results. It focuses on enhancing site speed, content quality, keyword integration, and other factors to improve visibility.

Why is SEO important for a static website?

SEO is crucial for static websites to increase their visibility in search engine results. This leads to more traffic, potentially more conversions, and higher authority and trust in your niche.

How does SEO for a static website differ from a dynamic website?

SEO for static websites often focuses more on technical aspects like site speed, mobile responsiveness, and on-page elements like content and meta tags due to the fixed nature of the content. Dynamic websites, in contrast, often require ongoing content updates and more complex technical optimizations.