HTML Viewer: View, Fix, Host, and Share Your Web Pages

Discover how an HTML Viewer can revolutionize your web development workflow. Learn to easily view, fix, host, and share web pages on
HTML Viewer: View, Fix, Host, and Share Your Web Pages

An HTML viewer is the sieve you use to filter errors from your web page code.

Enter your HTML into the viewer, and all the errors are highlighted. Fix those errors, and you’re ready to host and share your pages online.

With’s HTML viewer, you do all this on one automated platform: View, fix, host, share.


Why Use an HTML Viewer?

Busy developers need solid, practical tools that work quickly. Adding an HTML viewer to your workflow brings many benefits.

Simplicity and Speed: Quick rendering of HTML content without the overhead of a full browser.

Security: Safe viewing of HTML files without executing potentially harmful scripts.

Design Testing: Preview page layout and formatting.

Training Tool: Learn and experiment with HTML.

Debugging and Testing: Inspect and troubleshoot web pages and emails.

Benefits of an HTML Viewer

Streamlining your development is just one of many benefits an HTML viewer brings to your workflow.

Let’s look at more.

Immediate feedback

Instantly visualize the look and feel of your pages or emails. See how the functionality of your code is being affected by your changes. Edit and see the results in real time.

W3C standards compliance

Adhering to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web standards is crucial to ensure cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility. A good HTML viewer also provides immediate feedback on your code’s compliance with standards.

Debugging efficiency

Viewing HTML errors and non-compliance issues in real time decreases debugging delays and increases code quality.

Safe experimentation

Using an HTML viewer allows experimentation and testing that isn’t advised or practical on a live site. You can do small, incremental tests and experiments supporting a modular approach to coding—test each piece before adding it to your main file.

Increased productivity

Eliminate the need for constant context switching between code editors, browsers, and developer tools. This provides a more focused, fast, and efficient workflow.

Improved collaboration’s HTML Viewer lets you immediately share your page or email testing results online with colleagues or clients. This makes it simple to get crucial feedback. also supports team collaboration, so they can securely access your code to provide assistance.

Quality assurance

As a final check, run your HTML through the viewer to ensure all the errors have been filtered out and your W3C compliance is up-to-date. See what your readers will see outside the confines of your IDE or code editor.

10 HTML Viewer Use Cases

Here are ten ways to use our HTML Viewer to increase productivity, quality, and standards compliance.

  1. Rapid Prototyping and Design: Quickly iterate on web page designs and email templates.
  2. Comprehensive Compatibility Testing: Ensure cross-browser and mobile standards compliance.
  3. Educational Tool for Development: Facilitate learning and skill development.
  4. Debugging and Optimization: Identify and fix HTML issues, optimizing for performance and SEO.
  5. Accessibility: Verify web content accessibility for users with disabilities.
  6. UI/UX Design and Content Strategy: Assess and refine user interface, user experience designs, and content layouts.
  7. Interactive Content and Dynamic Testing: Test dynamic web content.
  8. Component and Template Development: Develop, customize, and test reusable web components and templates.
  9. Version Management and A/B Testing: Compare web page versions for A/B testing.
  10. Form and Ad Testing: Ensure web forms function correctly.

View, Fix, Host, and Share Your Web Pages

Most HTML viewers do nothing more than view and offer comments on your code.

There’s much more to’s complete, automated hosting service.

In fact, we offer the simplest way to host and share your web projects. PDFs, static websites, presentations… just about anything you can produce, we can host it.

It’s fast. Automatic. Secure. Professional.

Free to start. Inexpensive advanced features.


We’ve seen the HTML Viewer.

We also offer an HTML Validator.

And an HTML Formatter.

Fixing’s Solo and Pro subscription tiers offer on-site editing features for:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PDFs
  • More


How simple is automated hosting?

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Visit’s home page, and then you’re ready.

  1. Give your project a name
  2. Drag and drop your project onto the form.
  3. Follow the directions to sign in or register for free.

That’s it.

In moments, your project is live online.

It doesn’t get simpler than that.


Once your project is securely hosted on, you have one-click ways to share it with the world.

Web link: a unique URL (web address) that can be copied and pasted into any document you want—email, social media, or professional organization sites, for instance.

QR code: A graphic link to your web address. Scan the QR code with your smartphone, tap the link, and you’re transported to your website.

The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Next Steps

Questions? Visit Our superb customer service people will gladly answer any inquiries, even if you don’t yet have a free account with us.

Check out our pricing page for a list of all free and paid features.

Better yet, visit and try us out for free today.

FAQ: HTML Viewer

What is an HTML Viewer?

An HTML Viewer is a tool that allows you to preview how HTML code renders in a web browser. It lets you view, edit, troubleshoot, and test web pages in real-time without deploying them to a live server.

How can an HTML Viewer help me fix my web pages?

It provides a real-time environment to identify and rectify issues with your HTML code. Instantly reflecting changes allows quick debugging and optimization, ensuring your web pages work as intended across different devices and browsers.

Is it possible to host web pages directly from an HTML Viewer?

A few HTML Viewers, such as, come with integrated hosting capabilities, allowing you to host and share your web pages directly from the platform. This feature is particularly useful for showcasing prototypes or sharing projects for collaborative feedback.

Can I share my projects with others using an HTML Viewer?

Absolutely! Most HTML Viewers provide options to share your projects with others by generating a link to the hosted version of your web page. This makes it easy to collaborate with teammates or receive feedback from stakeholders. also offers one-click QR code generation.

Is using an HTML Viewer secure for sensitive projects?

Security varies by platform, but reputable HTML Viewers implement robust security measures to protect your code and data.