E-Learning Authoring Tools: Articulate Hosting & Sharing

Discover the essentials of eLearning hosting and sharing with Articulate 360 and Tiiny.host. Save money on Articulate course hosting. Learn sharing options.
E-Learning Authoring Tools: Articulate Hosting & Sharing

Creating an online course on a budget?

Articulate 360 is known to be expensive.

They also have a 30-day free trial and 50% off for educators.

If you get access to the Articulate 360 suite and its Rise 360 e-learning course design tool, you can create a course, export it to HTML, and host it automatically on Tiiny.host.

There is no need to keep the expensive Articulate subscription going. Based on your needs, you may lose some tracking functionality, but you may not need it.

I will show you how to host and share your course over the long term while saving money.

Let’s get started.

Articulate excels at designing custom training applications. It’s popular in business, academic, and government settings.

Articulate (pronounced ar-TICK-you-late) offers an expansive suite of easy-to-use course creation tools. Rise 360 and Storyline are two of the most powerful. They produce beautiful and functional courseware.

With them, you create interactive and engaging e-learning content.

A non-technical instructional designer or content specialist can begin from scratch or quickly use a template to assemble content that has pre-programmed interactivity and media support.

If you choose to continue paying the subscription fee, you can also host your courses on Articulate’s platform. But you don’t have to.

I’ll use this ability to demonstrate the exporting, hosting, and sharing features of simple, professional, and low-cost Tiiny.host.

Exporting your Articulate Course to HTML

Let’s assume that you’ve registered for a 30-day Articulate free trial. Using Rise 360, you’ve created a course.

Let’s export it and host it on Tiiny.host.

From your Rise 360 course dashboard, choose the Publish menu option. Then click Web.

Depending on the size of your course, it may take a little time to prepare your file.

When the file dialog opens, save the zip file to your storage.

You’re now ready to host and share your course automatically in seconds.

Hosting Your Course with Tiiny.host

As you’ll see, Tiiny.host is the simplest way to host and share your web projects, including online courses, PDFs, presentations, and more.

Don’t merely take my word for it.

Follow along using the zipped course file you downloaded.

All you need to do is visit Tiiny.host’s homepage.

Now, you’re moments away from having your course live online.

Take these three steps:

  1. Provide a link name in the top field. This will be the web address (URL) of your online course’s website.
  2. Drag and drop your zipped course onto the form.
  3. Click the “PUBLISH” button.

That’s it.

Now, sign in or register for a free account.

In moments, your course will be live online.

See? It’s simple. And fast. And professional.

Sharing Your Course

Notice the “Share via” box in the graphic above.

Here, you may copy the link to your live site or create a scannable QR code with one click.

You may also access these options from your account dashboard.

Now, you have many ways to share your course with the combination of a text link and a QR code.

  • Email
  • SMS texting
  • Social media posts
  • Direct messaging on platforms like X or Slack
  • QR codes on business cards
  • Embedded in PowerPoint presentations
  • Posted in online forums or discussion boards
  • Included in newsletters
  • Embedded on websites or blogs
  • Shared through cloud storage links
  • Inserted in PDF documents
  • Shared via video descriptions on platforms like YouTube
  • Printed on flyers or posters
  • Embedded in digital invoices or receipts
  • Included in ebook or digital publication footnotes
  • Shared in a podcast description or show notes
  • QR codes displayed on digital screens or monitors
  • Embedded in virtual event platforms or webinars
  • Included in press releases
  • Shared in online course materials or LMS
  • QR codes on product packaging
  • Shared during live streams or online workshops
  • Inserted in a company’s email signature
  • Shared in a mobile app through push notifications
  • QR codes on name tags or event badges

There are many more ways to share your link.

Let your imagination run wild.

Next Steps

The tl;dr of this post is that you can host and share just about anything on Tiiny.host within seconds.

Any courses or projects that can be exported as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are quickly and securely hosted.

See the Articulate course I made for this blog post:


Try us out on PDFs, presentations, and even entire static websites.

Contact Tiiny.host

You may have questions that weren’t answered in this article.

No worries.

Contact our superb customer service desk. They’ll answer questions on just about any internet topic free of charge.

Try us out for free by signing up for a free account.

Also, check out our advanced features. There’s a lot you can do with Tiiny.host

Visit Tiiny.host today.

Tell them I sent you.

FAQ: E-Learning Authoring Tools

What is Articulate 360, and who is it for?

Articulate 360 is a suite of eLearning authoring tools designed for educators, course developers, and businesses to create online training content.

Can I host Articulate courses on my own server?

Yes, you can publish Articulate courses to HTML5 and then upload them to your own web server for hosting.

How can I share my Articulate courses?

Courses can be shared via LMS, direct links, email, social media, or embedding on websites, among other methods.

Do I need technical skills to use Articulate 360?

Articulate is designed to be accessible to users with varying skill levels, including those without advanced technical knowledge.

How can I create a QR code for my Articulate course?

Use a QR code generator to create a code linking directly to your course’s URL. Files hosted for free at Tiiny.host can generate a QR code in one click.