Tiiny.host Case Study: Ajar Productions

Ajar Productions’ Technical Support streamlined their support content delivery using Tiiny.host’s automated web hosting.

Tiiny.host eliminated the daily hassle and time-drain of Ajar Technical Support’s complicated traditional web hosting procedures, making quick and simple delivery of their personalized support media possible.

“FTP and typical web hosting was such a hassle. It was much faster just to put it up on Tiiny.host. Then I can simply use it… so I use it frequently.”

—Myra Ferguson, Ajar Technical Support and Learning Consultant.

About Ajar Productions’ Technical Support

In today’s media-rich society, digital designers face increasing pressure to deliver more high-quality content in less time. Digital magazines, websites, mobile apps, animated banners, and more must be produced in ever greater quantities. This production takes time, plus powerful digital tools, including InDesign.

InDesign supports all these mediums and can make them interactive. But it’s a daunting task to master the entire scope of InDesign’s features, especially if you are a designer and not a coder.

That’s where Ajar Productions comes in.

Ajar Productions creates software products for busy digital designers looking for a better workflow. This software—in5—is used within InDesign. It requires no code to automate precision workflows.

Ajar’s customer base ranges from one-person shops to multinational corporations, including Disney, Adobe, Cisco, and Merck.

These customers demand the highest quality.

The Challenge: Before Tiiny.host

A crucial part of Ajar’s offerings is technical support. Myra Ferguson is Ajar’s Technical Support and Learning Consultant. Her job is to write articles and create media to help Ajar’s customers solve their specific issues. She must deliver at a quality level suitable for her household-name clients and professional designers. She requires the most efficient, production-quality tools she can find.

There’s no point in creating great technical support media if you can’t share it easily with the customers you’re supporting.

This was Myra’s dilemma. To share her support media requires hosting it online. However, her traditional web hosting procedures were slow and complicated. It took many steps to get something up on the web in the typical way.

“I’m working on both Windows and Mac most of the time. And I had a standard website that I was using. So I would just FTP stuff. I would run FileZilla and upload my media to that site. And it got to be a hassle.”

Myra wanted to simplify the process of uploading and then deleting the projects she posted to support specific, individual training and technical problem-solving. Her traditional web hosting was expensive and time-consuming. It took many intricate steps to accomplish a simple task—getting her media quickly online and taking it down when no longer needed.

Myra was no longer willing to sacrifice the time and trouble that typical web hosting required to support her customers.

Something had to be done.

The Results: After Tiiny.host

Myra learned of Tiiny.host’s automated web hosting service through one of Ajar’s webinars. The promise of a simple, three-step hosting procedure caught her attention. She gave it a fair trial.

“As soon as we tried Tiiny.host, I’m thinking, this is so much better. Just put it on Tiiny.host. I can upload projects easily, so I use it frequently,” says Myra.

But the trial didn’t end there. Myra wrote an article on different hosting services that provided the high-end quality she required. She included Tiiny.host in that group.

Her conclusion was clear:

“If you want the simplest one, the easiest way, Tiiny.host is the easiest way.”

The straightforward action of taking a file, uploading it quickly and easily, and being able to share it live online almost immediately is what Tiiny.host provides. No more FTP clients logging into expensive, typical websites and then having to configure the web pages. All that hassle is gone.

Tiiny.host’s drag-and-drop interface and its fully-automated hosting takes only moments. It’s the simple, fast, and effective solution to Myra’s workflow headaches.

Plus, she has complete control over website access with password protection and many other professional features that she finds useful.

“Tiiny.host is what I recommend for people who aren’t sure about acquiring a domain name and acquiring hosting. You don’t want to worry about that,” says Myra.


Automating manually-intensive, time-consuming tasks is a priority for Ajar Productions. This is true equally for their customers and their in-house procedures. Tiiny.host provides an automated alternative to traditional hosting.

The more Tiiny.host is used, the more time, money, and resources it saves.

“I’m definitely using it every week, multiple times. Especially when I’m testing a file, I will re-upload multiple versions, maybe three or four different versions.”

Myra can now deliver prime quality support and technical training with greater ease and in a fraction of the time it once took.

Sharing a web link to her Tiiny.host site with Ajar’s developers is a welcome additional benefit. They can see exactly why the customer is concerned. Ajar’s in-house communication is improved. Their customers are better served.

Tiiny.host enables Ajar Productions’ Technical Support to deliver customer training solutions quickly and efficiently. Through Tiiny.host’s simple web hosting automation, time is saved, costs are down, and customers are happier.